Saturday, March 3, 2012

If they were to make another Deus Ex game what do you think they should improve on or add?

I like the game, its the best game I've played that has come out this year yet. I have played Deus Ex 1 which was good as well, Human Revolution is sorta similar but very different if you understand me. But whats your opinion? What should they have improved or added to make the next one better?If they were to make another Deus Ex game what do you think they should improve on or add?
- More open world

- More routes to tackle missions

- People react more on how you handle situations (that is something I really missed when I compare it to DE1)

- Augmentations should be found (like in DE1%26amp;2) not be there from the start but dormant (but at least they had a good excuse as to why they made it like they did)

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