Saturday, March 3, 2012

Is deus ex 1 worth getting or should I wait for #2?

I've never played deus ex before, I was wondering if i should get deus ex 1 now and wait a while for #2, or should I get #2 first? Will i have to play #1 to understand #2 or will it be explained to me at the start as I'd hate to miss half of the plot line.Is deus ex 1 worth getting or should I wait for #2?
Deus Ex: Invisible War is a futuristic first person shooter/RPG. This game reeks of conspiracy theory and the occult. The illuminati, knights templar, and even the grays are a large part of this games plot. I highly recommend this game. If you have played Fallout 3 you might like this, albeit this is not as advanced as Fallout.
You should read the reviews at decide for yourself. :)Is deus ex 1 worth getting or should I wait for #2?
jesus christ its only 20 bwt for the two can you spend 20 dollars i bought the games back in when it came out for 50 dollars each one
Its good get itIs deus ex 1 worth getting or should I wait for #2?
It's only $10 on Steam just buy it jesus christ...
  • huhot
  • sigalert san diego
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